
Policy on school admissions and school fees is guided by three basic principles:

  • Equity: To ensure the school gives the same basic resources to all learners
  • Redress: High class education to learners from all communities.
  • Access: To ensure no learners are excluded from attending this school on the basis of race or religion.


  • School assessment is based on the Department of Education National Policy.
  • We offer CAPS curriculum required by the current curriculum, assessing learners by means of Continuous Assessment (CASS) and external assessment.
  • Work is closely monitored by a team of monitors to ensure marks obtained are marks deserved.  

Placement + Assessment 

  • Learners are placed accordingly by document support provided on admission.
  • No progression will be made if not qualified for on Departmental Standards. 

Personal Development

  • Discipline will be maintained at all times during school hours.
  • Discipline focuses on developing the learners skills in making positive changes to manage their own behavior and relationships.
  • Learners are guided to develop healthy study habits and skills.  


We offer quality education by dedicated and qualified teaching staff, to assist the leaner to perform on his / her optimal level.


North Crest Academy provides all students with the opportunity to partake in extracurricular activities, helping students explore their passion and prepare for their future on a school based level and introduce excitement.