Attendee Registration Form

Please complete the registration form below with the correct details to register as an attendee at North Crest Academy

Details of Student

Details of First Parent / Guardian

Details of Second Parent / Guardian
In the event of divorce, please indicate who gets legal custody of the child

Additional Emergency Contact

Scholastic Particulars
Has this child ever been refused admission or been expelled from another school?
If so, give the name(s) of the school(s)
Has the child ever used drugs / using drugs at present?

Medical Particulars of Student
if Any Please Explain

Please indicate against which of the following diseases he / she has been immunised
Name of any other disease against he / she has been immunized which is not listed above
Please name any disabilities of the student
Is the student (girl) currently pregnant?


Subjects - Grade 1 - 9

Subjects - Grade 10 - 12

Subject Changes - Grade 11 - 12
Please Note:
Grade 11: May change 2 subjects only
Grade 12: May change 1 subject only

Student Portal Sign Up
Please provide us with an email address which you have access to which we can use to communicate with you you.
Please create a memorable password as it will be used to log into your student portal